System Intelligent Leadership
For leaders to create robust, safe, sustainable and empowered workplaces.
Even the best organisations and the people in them are at risk of falling into unhelpful patterns of behaviour that make workplace relationships strained, becoming a distraction from delivery, undermining partnership and effectiveness.
My primary goal is to raise your awareness, to help you "see" the system patterns that are playing out, then to help you identify what new choices you might have to lead "systemically".
Around this awareness, we build leadership practices that underpin your system leadership.
What is a System?
We human beings are amazingly capable social animals. We constantly move in and out of groups, from family, to schools, to work, to clubs, societies and teams etc.
Each grouping or configuration of human beings can be considered to be a human “System” in its own right. Each human system forms patterns of behaviour and interaction that either help, hinder or harm it. Usually, we are blind to these patterns – it is just our experience we are having.
Part of system leadership is to consciously notice the patterns we and others are in. To “see “ the system. When we can see the system patterns, new leadership possibilities arise more focussed on changing patterns (rather than people). When we change the pattern - we potentially create a new outcome.
My work in developing System Intelligent Leadership is founded on growing our capacity to “see” the system patterns we and others are in.
How I work with organisations on System Intelligent Leadership:
The primary vehicles in this work are the Organisation Workshop,
When Cultures Meet Workshop and System Intelligent Middle Leadership Group:
Organisation Workshop
The Organisation Workshop is a dynamic, high impact, one or two-day experiential workshop based on Barry Oshry’s key insights on Power and Leadership. It is a workshop for leadership development, organisational change, empowerment and collaboration.
When Cultures Meet Workshop
When Cultures Meet Workshop is a half-day experiential workshop exploring how to effectively navigate the meeting of different cultures so that effective integration and inclusion can be achieved utilising the capabilities and contributions of all diverse partners.
System Intelligent Middle Leadership Group
In these facilitated groups Middle leaders learn the discipline of operating as a connected integrated peer group, making a more powerful contribution to the systems they are in. From this space middle leaders are better able to master the real pressures of middle leadership; better informed, focused, supported and more confident.