Leading out of COVID – Be a corporate choreographer.

One role of systemic leadership is to notice the patterns we and others are in and to influence and change the patterns if they are not helpful or healthy. Shaping the patterns of the organisation like a choreographer shapes dance. It is a proactive, powerful role where we create and shape our experiences rather than accept them as part of a reality we can do little to change. It’s not a natural thing for most of us to do but the skills and capability can be developed.

Relentless back-to-back, energy-sapping meetings are a current pattern that is real for many at the moment. I hope some of you will choose to change the pattern and culture of back-to-back meetings. It might be as easy as making them 45 minutes duration with a mandated 15-minute break between… or maybe not, but you’ll find what is needed for your system.

Value and protect your space for thinking as well as doing. In that space, you can become a corporate choreographer.

Click here to see the video and LinkedIn post.


Leading out of COVID – Managing Polarities, an organisational balancing act.


Leading out of COVID – The powerful voice of the front line.