What might you bump into? (Leading systemically)
In a recent conversation with my friend and colleague kieran white, whom I consider to be quite an expert in the field of human systems, I was seeking perspective on a situation I was finding challenging. Kieran asked me to consider my part in the situation. And that’s when I bumped into it!
Bumped into myself, bumped into my own intolerance of difference. Ow! Shit! Wasn’t expecting that: I was holding a side-tracked reflex story that my frustration was caused by the other party, their mindset and beliefs. Now I caught a glimpse of another reality, for me, being in the presence of difference can trigger an unhelpful defensive reaction and a desire to be right, based on judging the other. In this state, there is little on offer other than argument and frustration at the expense of learning, insight and new possibility.
System change might start with us when we ask ourselves this question:
“What am I doing or not doing that contributes to the difficulties or dissatisfaction of others?”
At the heart of this question is personal accountability, accepting the system reality of our centrality in all we experience, that is we are a part of, not detached from the frustrations we encounter.
Seeing myself enables a new choice. In this case to reconnect with curiosity and humility.
I invite you to ask yourself “What am I doing or not doing that contributes to the difficulties or dissatisfaction of others?” …. what about you and your patterns might you bump into?
Good luck.